Wednesday, June 10, 2015

My Xbox 360 Bucket List Part 2

Since I will be working six days this week, I am taking advantage of a "slow" period to write this week's blog, using my lazy topic.

Family Guy: I know this is supposed to be a really bad game, but I was a big fan of the series when it first came out. Although I quit watching it a couple of years ago, I'm interested in just how bad the game really is.

Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse: This was one of the Genesis games that I just never got a chance to play. When I still had the system, it was always a bit pricey around here, even used. Now that I don't have a Genesis, I see the cartridge every so often for $2 - $3 at thrift stores.

Bureau: Xcom Declassified: I hated the original game on the PSOne. Just like Civilization, there were those annoying little built in cheats that the game could use against you, like letting the aliens take shots out of turn, or not letting your character even get a chance to move at times. In Civ II on the PSOne (and computer), the computer could move net to your territory or character, and not be penalized. If you run out of moves next to an A.I. character, you risk starting a war. This version of Xcom, however, gets rid of that nonsense, and gives you an FPS instead. I REALLY want to play this.

Batman Origins: I honestly thought it was going to come out on the One at some point. The last Tomb Raider did, so why not this one? Better yet, do an XB1 upgrade for the trilogy. But please, no Blackgate. I'm serious when I say I hate platformers, even Mario Brothers. No, ESPECIALLY Mario Brothers.

Aliens: Colonial Marines: Technically, this one shouldn't be on the list anymore, since I found it really cheap on Amazon recently. So cheap that technically, it was free. I was a couple of dollars short of free shipping, and this only put me about ten cents past the $35 minimum. It was still cheaper than paying for shipping without the game, too. So even if it's as bad, or worse, than I hear, I can sell it, and come out pretty close to even.

From Dust: I played the demo, and it reminded me of an old SNES and PC favorite, Populous. So much so, that I haven't bought it, simply because it's so much like Populous that I feel as if I already played it. Now, if I ever get it as a Gold freebie...

To Be Continued....

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