Before you enter Erin's hideout, be sure to check the outside area for treasure. There aren't any guards or traps, so move freely. When you're ready to enter, just pop on in.
There are two traps to watch out for once you're inside. They are both essentially the same, and can be seen with focus. The first is a set of pressure plates next to a stack of crates. You can either press the off button, or just climb over the crates and move on. The choice is yours. Just be sure that you don't accidentally step on the plates.
Move on, and you come across a stair case. Look through the peep hole, and you'll see there's a small room hidden away. To enter, you have to go up the stairs. As with the crates, you have the option to either climb past the pressure plates on the stairs, or to turn off the switch. Just be sure not to accidentally step on these, either.
If you need to, use focus to find the button for the trap door that leads to the hidden room. All you have to do is drop down, and a cut scene is activated. This isn't the traditional type of cut scene, however. You do have to walk around a bit, and follow Erin. Or at least, some sort of psychic manifestation of her.
She's on some beams above you. Don't worry if you don't see where she goes. You're only capable of moving so far in a wrong direction. You also get an vocal prompt from her. Just do your best to follow the beams, and you'll find her.
Once you find where she's leading you, she tells you about a "key" that you'll need. To find it, just click on the three pictures of your character in the area. After the third, you're transported back to reality. Then all you have to do is press the last picture that you found in the psychic dimension (I honestly don't know what to call it), and a secret compartment opens in the wall behind it. Grab the "key," and you're done.
Backtrack through the mill, and exit through the same window that you used to enter. Now, it's time to go to the brothel. YIPPIE!
The Review:
This section is fast, and the psychic world area is so silly, it's annoying. I have no idea why you were given two traps, but could avoid them so easily. They were totally optional. Fortunately, the next area gets better.
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