Wednesday, March 4, 2015

What's Your Longest Gaming Session?

There are some hard core gamers out there that do little else besides game. Back in 2005, a South Korean man died from playing Starcraft for 52 straight hours. And I mean straight. No food, no liquids, no movements, even to get up for the bathroom. 52 straight hours hunched over his keyboard.

This isn't the only death related to video games, either. Some parents have let their children die of malnutrition, because they couldn't pull themselves away from their games long enough to take care of their kids. They were able to stop long enough to make the kids, however.

Now, I'm guessing that anyone reading this isn't that addicted. If you were, you wouldn't be reading a blog. You'd be playing a game. Still, I'm betting there's a few of you that have played some long sessions.

My personal best was a weekend bender back in the early 1990's. I had finally gotten the Buck Rogers game for the Sega Genesis, and spent a three day weekend playing it. I did take the occasional break for food or the bathroom (NASA hadn't started to sell their nine hour diapers yet.), but I was awake for the whole weekend. Come Tuesday morning, I took a three hour nap, showered, and went off to my crappy job.

So what is your longest streak? It's alright if you had to take a break for food, water, or to eliminate afterwards. As long as your break didn't include naps or leaving the game to do something else, the time counts.

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