Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Thief Chapter 3: Reaching the House of Blossoms

Now that you have reached the brothel, you need to find your way in. The place is very exclusive, so don't expect to just bribe a doorman (especially since there isn't one). The first thing you should do is grab the plaque in front of you as you enter the area. It won't help you get in, but it's worth some money.

Follow your locator cursor until you hear the sound of people talking. This will lead you to the brothel. Of course, there's no way to swim across the moat like sewage channel, so you need to find the lever, which is conveniently placed next to the gap you need to cross. Don't forget to push the button on the nearby wall. Just use focus if you don't see either of them. Walk across, and press "X" to start the next part of the chapter.

The voices you hear now are that of the person you are trying to trail, and some guards. As always, sneak or snipe. It's up to you. I didn't have the patience, so I sniped the best I could. And remember, IF you have something equipped, like a throwing item, put it away before trying a silent take down. That's something I tend to forget about until I'm getting beat up.

Climb up to the large pipes, and use them to travel overhead. There's some treasure up there, so don't rush to complete the mission. then head back to the stairs, and slowly go down. If you have the wrench, open the gate and head to the overhead beams. If not, you'll have a slower journey. When it's time to drop down, watch out for glass on the ground. If you step on it, the guards will hear.

This can be used as a trap for the guards. After you step on the glass, run back to the grate, and hide inside. Go the beams, and you can do a silent drop on at least one of them. Grab the item that's on top of the barrel, and then put out some of the lights. As you can see in my clip, the gas lights can be broken, but it makes a lot of noise. If you don't want to use (or don't have) a water arrow, this will still help you. Remember, light and noise are your two biggest enemies in the game.

And as you can see, I didn't really need to put out the two lights that I did. LEARN FROM MY MISTAKES! I don't edit them out, and I am (mostly) playing this game for the first time. As such, you get to learn what NOT to do, as well as what to do.

Swoop past the guards and the politician that are just outside of the door. You can try to use a water arrow, but it's a waste of an arrow. The light will be re-lit right away. Instead, just swoop past them, head to the climbing spot, and over the wall. Just walk the beam in front of you, and hop down to the the door. You're in!

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