Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Thief Chapter 3: Inside The House of Blossom

You're starting in a safe area, so relax. Just pull the lever that unlocks the doors, and walk into the entry way. There's a silver chalice there, so grab it and pull the next lever. Congratulations! Garrett has just entered his first brothel.

Either sneak past the sleeping guard, or take out an easy target. It's all up to how you want to play the area. The patrons and "employees" are very out of it, for one reason or another (like all of the opium that they're smoking). This means that you don't have to worry about them. T

here are a few guards around, so go slow as you loot. Snuff out any candle that you see. There are also some cabinets that you can hide in, if you're spotted. There's also a couple of half walls that you can climb up. If you do it unseen, you can do a drop attack.

After you got all the loot you can find, head up the next flight of stairs. The guard doesn't pay a lot of attention to his job, so when he looks over the railing, sneak attack him, and toss his body down the stairs. There's another guard on patrol, so use the climbing wall next to the stairs (towards the hiding bureau), and head up. There's an Emerald Circle there, so grab it as you go. Crotch down, and go through the small opening near the floor. There's an open trap door in the floor ahead that you can use to go back down.

Open the door that will be right next to you, and grab everything that you can. Exit back through the door, and head towards the curtain. As always, snuff the candles and grab the loot. If you start by heading left, you'll come across a chest of drawers blocking your path. DO NOT CLIMB IT! There is a "decorative" gap in the floor on the other side. You will plummet to your death. Instead, head back to where you came in.

You will also see a door at the bottom of some stairs if you headed left. Peek through the keyhold, and you'll get a cut scene involving your politician, and the house "madam." The politician is talking about why he has the right to raise taxes to the people's breaking point, why it's alright not to provide health care, etc. (INSERT YOUR OWN POLITICAL PARTY REFERENCE HEAR)


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