Wednesday, April 8, 2015

My Xbox 360 Bucket List - Part 1

Now that it looks like the 360 is winding down, at least for developers, it's time to shell out a few bucks, quit my job, and play some of these must play games. Please note that this list isn't complete. It does not have any of the many, many great indie games that I would have played by now, if they had achievement points. It also won't be the entire list, since there's so many of them.

And of course, this isn't a backlog list. This is a partial list of games that I do not have collecting dust on my shelf. The list will have some games that I expect to be clunkers, but I feel a need to experience their badness on my own. So, without further ado, here's some random games from my Xbox 360 Bucket list:

Braid: I HATE platformers. I truly, truly HATE PLATFORM GAMES! But I do believe in giving a game a fair chance. Since this game has had so many people say so many nice things about it, I want to give it a try. I want to give it every bit of consideration and open-minded game play that I would any other game. And then HATE it!

Monkey Island 1 & 2: Many, many generations ago, I played this on my old 8088 chip (that's pre Pentium to you younger readers) desktop. Back when a computer was as big as a suitcase, and weighed as much as a keg of beer. I believe it was an early CGA or VGA game (CGA meaning FOUR colors, VGA meaning 16). I don't recall liking, or hating, the game. I do want to see how it's game play compares to the original. I am under the impression that only the graphics have changed.

Stacking: I loved the demo years ago on the PS3. Unfortunately, I am just so cheap that I can't bring myself to buy a digital game, unless its $5 or less. I want to be able to trade it in when I'm done, but $5 I'm willing to loose.

Doom 3: I know I won't enjoy it nearly as much as I did the original Doom decades ago. I used to love all of the mods for the enemies (Daleks, Bevis & Butthead), but the game itself seemed repetitious. I don't know if I'll like the new game better, especially without god mode. But I'm willing to give it a try.

Death Spank: I've played a few of the demos. I like the humor that the games have. The game play is also well done. But again, I'M CHEAP!

Call of Duty Classic: I've basically weaned myself off of the CoD franchise. The first few games I loved. I used to hate FPS games as much as, if not more than, platformers. But CoD made me love them. I never would have given Borderlands a chance, if Activision hadn't done such a great job with the first few games. But after Modern Warfare 2, I lost all interest in the CoD universe. Instead of great single player stories, with reasonable challenges, the focus shifted towards "just shoot everything that moves." Stealth didn't seem needed, nor did strategy. I enjoy playing on-line matches, but if that's all CoD really has to offer me anymore, then I sadly have to move on. Bye, Nazi zombies. I'll miss you!

Duck Tails Remastered: Yeah, yeah. I hate platformers. But this one is really something. At least, the demo was. Maybe I'll change my mind about it once I get to the first or second boss, but I had fun with the demo. It made me laugh. It made me feel like a kid. The cartoon that the game was based on didn't come out until I was in my 20's, but Scrooge McDuck has been around since before I was born, and so were his comic books. So, yeah. I want to play this platformer, and I actually don't plan to hate it. At least, not for the first few minutes....

To Be Continued....

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