So, in order to get inside the safe, you have to do the following:
Pull the big lever. This lowers the safe.
Check the left and right side of the safe. There is a button on each side. Push one (it doesn't matter which), then run to the other side to push the other. There is a timer here, so run.
Enter the first three numbers of the combination on the left hand set of dials. The numbers are 3-1-9 (THANKS IGN!)
Now it's time for a cut scene. Remember how the Baron said he'd get revenge, after you torched his favorite brothel? Well, this is it. He used his precious safe as bait, and you swallowed it hook, line, sinker, and fishing pole. Boy, are you going to have a fun time in the bathroom passing all of that!
After the cut scene, you need to get to the safe A.S.A.P. You are out numbered and out classed, at lest as far as fighting goes. So crotch, wait for the first two guards to go by, and swoop to the climbing wall up ahead. There's stairs to your left, and some food on a barrel. I had to take out a guard that was blocking the door. The area is very well lit, so I didn't even bother to try and sneak past or attack.
After the guard, you should have a clear shot at the door. Enter the second half of the combination, 0-1-8, and go inside. As you might have guessed, it doesn't have a lot of gold in it. How would you be able to carry so much... Wait... The game is very liberal in what you can carry, isn't it. I guess a truck load of gold would be realistic to in this game.
However, it's not gold. You are compelled by Erin to gather the mystical poppies as you move forward. After you grab the last one, you're in another ethereal realm, similar to the one in her hideout. Just follow her as she runs through, until you reach a statue. You're given a new location to find Erin, before you're mysteriously transported outside the tower.
It's then time for another cut scene, and a few statistics about how well (or bad) you played the chapter. Congratulations, you finished Chapter Four! Not to mention that you're half way through the game. Yep. Only eight chapters, and a couple of side missions.
Nothing wrong with looking it up. The problem with the safe code is it's the WORST puzzle ever designed. The fact it doesn't allow you to input the entire code just makes you think the game has crashed. If it had let you put the whole code in you can then maybe workout that it's wrong and do alittle bit of rearranging. But the fact you can't progress half way through unless you figure the correct sequence is just stupid. Alot of people will tell you the correct code but they won't tell you how they got the correct code...