Monday, April 6, 2015

Theif Chapter 4 - Escape the Architect's Home

As you may have noticed, I dropped the previous numbering system. As I have stated previously, I really don't like this game. It was just a convenient test game for my EZ Cap device. However, I seemed to get hits off of the YouTube videos from the game play, as well as the test clips. So, I decided to finish the game, and do a guide.

The old numbering system was based on the test clip numbers, and had nothing to do with the actual game play. As such, chapter four was being listed as Thief 8. From now on, I will title the blog segments according to the chapter in the game, or the side mission. I will then do a game review after I've finished it.

Now for the story, as we left it:

This section starts with a cut scene. You have just finished the puzzle, and have grabbed the blueprints that you needed. The guards have finally busted open the door, and plan on shooting to kill... Just watch the video. It will be more fun.

Before the cut scene ends, press and hold the left trigger, so you'll be running. Also be sure to have the left analog stick moving you forward. If you stop, or try to jump off of the railing, the guard dogs will get you. If you run into the dogs at the end of the roof, they will kill you. So just run, automatically hop over the table, veer slightly to your left, and automatically jump off of the roof.

Once, you're past the dogs, KEEP RUNNING FORWARD! The only time you can stop is when you enter the next cut scene. Take a brief rest, you've earned it. Even Garrett takes a breather in the clip.

The guards are currently leaving you alone, so check the area for a stack of crates. The one on top will be wrapped in burlap. Climb these, and head up to the ledge. Climb up the rope, hop onto the roof, and enter the door. Crotch down, and head into the vents. It's a good thing they didn't have Myth Busters back then. They would have told him the vents would make too much noise to work for stealth.

Follow the ducts to the end, and be prepared. After the load screen, you'll have, ANOTHER CUT SCENE.

To be continued....

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