Monday, April 6, 2015

Thief Chapter 4 Part 3: Find Jacob

The first thing that you have to do is enter the Architect's house. This won't be easy, since it's heavily guarded. There are also two dogs caged in the area. The dogs are very alert, and not only do the guards patrol, but some carry torches. There are two small buildings nearby. A greenhouse to the left, and what I believe is a shed to the right.

As you can see in the video, I made a few attempts to just sneak in, and I kept getting killed. Garrett really isn't made to do a lot of fighting. Eventually, I got as close to the greenhouse dog as I could, and shot it. I let the two guards for that area come by, and took them out. I was then able to swoop to the door, and open it. I also closed it as soon as I got in.

The clips over lap here. This clip shows part of my exploration to the house. My apologizes for not editing the clips. I am trying to show the game play in as natural a way as possible. This is my first play through of the game. The whole idea of this blog is to give you an idea of what the game play feels like, as well as provide solutions. I don't finish the game, then replay it with all of the answers ready for me as I capture game play.

Next up, exploring the house, in order to find Jacob.

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