First off, you have to decide how to handle the two men walking around, talking to Lenny. If you choose to sneak, you have to sneak past both. If you want to snipe one, you have to take them both out. The survivor WILL find the other body, and the mission is blown. Also, DON'T TAKE OUT LENNY! You need to follow him around.
Swoop to the area where you see the two candles. Grab what's on the table, and even blow out the lights IF you want. Use the crate to get to the top of the wall, and hop over. Open the gate for Lenny. Don't worry about the guards until you let him in.
As Lenny walks towards the guards, hop the crate next to the wall you just climbed over, and head to a release valve. Turn it, and a jet of fire shoots out, trapping the guards where they are. Lenny moves on to his next area, and you need to follow. But remember, Lenny can't see you, and neither can anyone else.
Grab everything that you see as you sneak through the alley way. The coughing man will find you if you attempt to snuff his candle. Instead, sneak around the kiosk that he's leaning against, and grab the treasure on the barrel. Head back around to Lenny, who's trying to gt a freebie from a hooker.
Grab everything that you can (but not the prostitute), and sneak ahead to unlock a gate. Then head back towards Lenny and his friend, and look for another valve. Turn it, and the lady drops out of sight. Literally. Lenny will now go past the gate you opened, and towards a door in a very well lit area. Either stay back, or crotch behind the crate.
Soon, a man answers the door, and lets Lenny in. Fortunately, he isn't smart enough to close the secured door afterwards, so you can just sneak on in. Lenny is chatting with the man, so you still have some sneaking to do. Feel free to try any path that you want. Personally, I hopped down into the basement (just past the door that Lenny entered), and worked my way up. There is, of course, a lot of goodies around as well.
There is a guard downstairs, so decide to sneak or snipe. He likes to walk around, so I find it simpler to just snipe in these situations. Maybe if I had a chance to play these games full time as a job, I'd sneak more. Maybe.
Head up the stairs, and wait for Lenny to move out of your way. You can then slowly sneak up on the guy standing next to all of that bright light, and take him out. If you need one, there's a few throwable items around. Otherwise, there's a small 15G item in one of the drawers.
Head up the next level of stairs, and sneak up on the guard. Once he's out, you're home free. There are three chests in the area. The one that you have to pick open has the skull. Grab it, and listen to its inane banter. For that matter, it doesn't shut up, even when there's a guard nearby as you head back to The Siren's Rest.
Exit the area to get the mission complete message. Return it to Vittori for your next assignment.
The Mission
Epic Fails
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