Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Thief Side Mission: Hand Tailored

You can do this side mission without any extra tools. HOWEVER, if you do NOT have the wire cutter, do not do the second side quest from Ector. The game will not let you abort the mission, or leave the area until the mission is complete. Unfortunately, there is no way to complete the mission without the cutters.

To start this mission, follow the cursor to Ector's Emporium (a.k.a., the pawn Shop). This will not be as easy as it sounds, since you have to climb through a window to get from one part of the map to another. You will then have to find several crates to squeeze past. And of course, the crates look just like every other crate in the game. Bad game designers. BAD!

Once you pass the crates, slide down the ladder, and enter the shop. Inside, approach Ector for your mission. After you accept the mission, rob him blind, and head out the door. You now have to back track through the crates, and follow the cursor to the tailor shop.

Enter inside, and sneak or snipe as you see fit. There's a lot of loot scattered around, so be sure to grab everything that you can. Once you're done, head down to the basement, and pick the lock on the safe. Open it, take out the hand, and head back to Ector. It's really that simple.

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