Now that you've entered the Hidden City, you need to find your way into the Cathedral. As you may have guessed, the area is well lit, and has a few guards around. Sneaking from here on out won't be easy, so even if you aren't tired of trying, you may want to kill a few of the guards. Oh, and don't bother putting out most of the fires they use for lights. The guards will just relight them.
The game gives you two options to reach the first set of guards. You can pick the lock on the gate, and try from that point, or you can keep going to the left of the gate, and enter through a small hole in the wall. Take your time and explore the area. Once you've decided on the best route for your game style, move into the area.
As you can see in the video, there is a hidden area that you need the wrench for. Inside is a chest with some food, and two valuables. Once you leave the room, you're in an area with a few crows. If you swoop, they start to caw. If you don't swoop, you're surrounded by guards that can see you, thanks to the light. If you have the ammo, shoot a few of the guards, or the crows, and try to go past. Otherwise, you'll have to fight.
After you loot everything, ring the bell to open the door. There are some crates that you can climb, if you want to shoot it with a blunt arrow. As you can see, the guards on the other side move very slow and cautiously. Try to wait them out, and then snipe them. I lost my footing trying to get a better shot, and had to deal with them from ground level.
When you're ready to advance, look up for a rope. Before you climb, shoot a rope arrow at the beam that's close to it. Now you'll need to climb on the crates, and jump to the first rope. Tarzan your way to the second rope, and climb up. The alternative route is to just take the stairs under the big hammer design that you saw in the cut scene. You now need to look for the stairs that lead down, towards the elevator controls. To find them, turn your back to the ropes, and head forward. They will be to your left when you come to the wall.
If you haven't already shot the guard, sneak or snipe. Pull the lever to bring the elevator up to you. While waiting, look on a steel beam that has a coin on it. Grab it, and get inside the elevator once it reaches you. Just press RS when prompted, and you'll zoom in on some cult members. Shortly after, your ride is over.
Use the climbing spot to access a pipe. Wall crawl to a platform, and head in the only direction available to you. Once you see something valuable on the ground, stop. Use focus, and follow the wire up past a short climbing wall. To your left is a wire box. Open it, cut the wire, and get the item. Keep heading in your only direction until you hear a conversation. Now it's time to get stealthy again. The area is well lit, and has guards.There's also some broken glass on the ground, which means you can't move very fast.
Keep advancing until you reach a safe. The combination is 6 7 3. After you open the safe, turn right until you reach the torch. Just to your left is a pile of crates that you can crotch under. Follow the path until you reach a second opening that you need to crotch through. This leads you to a set of stairs heading up. Head through the narrow opening, and you'll reach an area with more Freaks. Remember, Freaks can hear you, but not see you. As long as you're quiet, you have a chance.
Use focus, and you'll find a switch on the wall. Shoot it with a blunt. This will save you valuable time later. Once you reach the wall with the switch, you'll have to sneak past a patrolling Forsaken that is guarding a valve. You will have to turn the valve to open the door. For some reason, you aren't allowed to sneak up on them, as you can see in my clip.
If you have enough ammo, you can kill one or two of them, but they are ammo hogs. It may be better for you to just head to the left, and sneak past them. If you're spotted, run back to the area you just came from and go back under the crates. They give up on you very quickly. Look up at the end of that path, and shoot a rope arrow at the beam. This will give you a chance to head to the stairs near the valve. There's also a small room that you have to crotch to access.
Grab the rope to reach the next platform. Unlock the door, and you'll find a booby trapped chest with the Bronze Bracelet inside. Exit the room, and grab the next rope. If you haven't saved in a while, now's a good time to do so. You have to be very careful when timing the next Forsaken's patrol. It won't stop attacking you until you're dead, and it will take a few seconds to get the door open.
Stay on the rope and watch the creature. When he starts to go up the stairs, jump to the platform. Sneak to the wall that the stairs go up, and wait until you hear the Forsaken start to move. That's your cue to climb the wall, and start turning the valve. For some reason, most of the valves in this game require tht you turn them clockwise (left to right). Turn as fast as you can, then head through the door. you'll have to crotch under, so don't expect to be able to outrun the creature if you're too slow.
The next passageway has a lot of flames shooting out of the walls. There is a valve that you can climb to and turn them off. I highly recommend doing it before advancing. There's a few of them. Use focus and follow the gas lines to the valve. Be sure to watch your timing, because the valve just happens to be in front of one of the jets. FUN!
Head back up the path until you see a cell door with two guards talking on the other side. Wait for them to pass, and then ignore the platform in front of you. The gap is too far to jump. Instead look to your left, and climb the wall. There's a small hole that you can crotch through, and enter the next room. One guard is patrolling with a torch, and the other is an archer. Deal with them however you need to, and head forward.
At the top of the stairs is another narrow passage that you'll need to squeeze through. You are now in the highly lit Storeroom. To your left is a chest with food and an arrow. Across from it is the valve that opens the door. Head up the stairs, and Garrett tells you that Orion is inside the rotunda, administering his cure.
There are so many obstacles in this area, I don't advise even trying to sneak around. You are surrounded by light, and if you shoot on out with a water arrow, a guard will relight it before you can gain an advantage. There are also some caged crows, and lots of broken glass. I'm surprised that the designers didn't include a few dogs as well.
The best bet here is to try and take the guards out one by one. Lure them to you using the glass, and hide. When one's on position, sneak attack. Move towards your next target, and repeat. There is also a building to your right as you enter. Just keep circling from one place to another, taking out the guards ninja style.
Once you're done with the guards, and you've grabbed all of the loot that you can find, look for the window that you need to enter. There will be a rope outside. Of course, you'll need to shoot a second rope up to the beam next to it. Before you can do your Tarzan impersonation, there's a crate suspended by a hoist. Shoot the pulley (if you didn't already do so to squash a guard or two), and climb it. Hop up a short wall, walk across a short beam to a platform, and head to the window. Once inside, there's no going back, so be sure you're happy with your loot and kills.
Now that you're inside, turn the valve to your left, to open the door. While the door is opening, pick the lock on the chest at the other end of the hallway, and grab its contents. Head back to the door, up the stairs, and enjoy the cut scene. For some reason, I didn't have any sound during the remaining cut scenes. I don't know if it was do to a programming glitch, or because I had to turn the music off, thanks to YouTube's rules about "monetizing" a video that has a sound track.
Regardless, after the cut scene you're in another of the "psychic world" style areas. To get past this part, you have to collect everything. Fortunately, there isn't a lot of area to cover, so just look towards the ground, and hit "X" (or whatever your console or PC uses) every time you're prompted. Once you're done, you see a group of people, one of which is holding an item. As you try to get the item, an eveil version of Erin pops up, and the scene is over.
There is another cut scene, which seems to involve Erin, Orion, and Garrett, as well as the General. This leads to your big boss battle with the latter. As soon as you can move, start hiding behind pillars, and equip your best arrow. Blast and fire arrows both work nicely. The General has a powerful blast attack, so keep hiding behind pillars, barrels, or whatever you can find. Sneak up behind him, and take your best shot. Once he's knocked down, loot the room and then knock him out.
Pick the lock on the door, and head through it. This gives you the "completed" message. One warning, however. You start Chapter 8 inside the rotunda. It will be some time before you can find a merchant, so if you're low on ammo, you'll have to take your time to sneak around.
The Introduction Cut Scene
The Quest To Find Erin
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