Monday, April 6, 2015

Thief Chapter 4 - Surviving the Explosion

Now that you've gotten past the guards, you've entered a tower that's not only on fire, but starting to collapse. Why? Out of shear greed, you decided to hunt down a safe that may not exist. Pure genius!

O.K., technically you haven't entered it yet. You have to go across the courtyard, and get past all of the exploding, flaming gas mains. At least the guards are ignoring you. They're too busy getting set on fire to care about you.

Once you're inside, just follow the ledge to a pipe, hop on the pipe, and follow it to a ladder. Climb up to the platform, and hope onto the gas main that's spewing fire. A gentle word of advice: do NOT use swoop to get past the flames. Just time them and walk over. Swooping lands you at the wrong spot, just as the flames come up. Just take your time, there doesn't seem to be a timer here.

At the end of the pipe is a tunnel. Go through, and at the end, crotch to enter another duct. After you leave, turn left, and crotch under the flame coming from the pipe. Just to your left is an electrical box and a door. Use your wire cutters on the box, and open the door.

The gases in this area are slowly killing you, so move fast. Pick the lock to the next door, head inside, and go straight to the valve. Turn it, crotch, and go under the safety door. Head down the ramp to reach the fresh air. Pick the lock on the door, and go inside. There's some food to your left as you enter. Move to the end of the room, and there's a collectible item (Soldier's Memory) on the ground, next to the dead body.There's also a bit of loot on the crates next to him.

Move on, and look for another elevator switch to your left. Open the door, and head up (would you REALLY want to head down, while the building's collapsing). After the doors open again, follow the icon to a big door that can only be opened by pulling the lever next to it. Basso is inside. You're given a cut scene that warns you about the safe, but will you listen? Of course not!

The cut scene ends with you in another elevator. The elevator gets stuck after awhile, so you have to climb out, and hop around. There area is very small, so it shouldn't take long to notice the short climbing wall nearby. Hop up, and crotch to enter another duct. Follow it to the end, and then jump down to the floor. You've found the Safe Chamber!

To be continued....

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