The first thing that you need to do is find your way back to the South Quarter. Just use the route that you took earlier. Once you pass through the gate, take a hard right, and head towards Glimmer Lane. This guard is a real nuisance, so take him out. Trust me. If you don't, you'll have to deal with him more than once, so just sneak up and knock hm out.
There is also a citizen walking about that you may have to deal with, if he sees you knock out the guard. For the most part, you can ignore him once he starts screaming. He's just really annoying. Either way, jump over the railing, but make sure you have a spot that isn't too high up. If you jump off at the wrong spot (as you can see I did), you will plummet to your death.
Follow the narrow walkway to the far corner, and hop down to the next walkway. Grab the rope, and climb to the top. Jump off, and head towards the window with the bright light. This is what the guard was really watching. If you don't take him out, he will shoot you at some point. The exit is right across from the window, so even if you crotch, he has a very good chance of hurting, if not killing you.
You are now back at Skinmarket. Make your way back to the ladder that you shot down previously, and head up. Shoot the beam that's in front of the window to your right with a rope arrow. Drop back down to the ground, and climb up the rope. This is another of the game's silly "leave an area to cross the street" points. You need to enter through the window, loot everything you can find, walk into the next room, and exit through the next window. Repetition is so much fun!
Cross the beam to get across the street, turn, and cross the beam to get across the street, turn, and cross the beam to get across the street. See what I mean? Repetition is fun! Now that you crossed the beams, you're at another well lit window. Hop inside, and you'll see the entry point for the Silence Is Golden mission. YOU WERE WARNED! If Eidos Montreal can be repetitious, then so can I.
Now you're in an interesting area. You can try to sneak around, but there are two very alert dogs downstairs in the open, well lit area. It's possible to kill the dogs, but you don't have to. Personally, I like to use a blunt arrow on the suspended crate. This not only seems to make the guard pay less attention to the dogs, but it also smashes a new way in or out of the building.
After you deal with the guard, enter the building any way that you want to. There's a ton of stuff to grab, so don't rush. It's easy to sneak up on most of the guards, as well as the sleeping voice box thief. He also likes to sneak up behind you after you grab the voice box, so take him out as soon as you see him.
Use focus to find the fuse box. Disable it, and loot the place. There's some good stuff in the basement, as well as the office. Once you're done looting, head back to where you came in, and leave. Now all you have to do is get back to Ector, and you're done.
Please note that you do have to travel back to the pawn shop. I took the long way back, grabbed some more ammo, and then went back. I decided to spare you the long, pointless video of me doing this, so I edited all of that out, and just went straight to the final cut scene for you.
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