You will need a few different arrows for this chapter, so be sure to have some rope arrows, water arrows, blunts, and whatever arrows you prefer for attacking. A good supply of food and poppies will help you as well. You should also have the wrench and the wire cutters by now.
there is a trap here that you can possibly get through with some luck, but life in the game will be so much easier with these tools.
Even if you hate using the cursor in this game, you will find it very useful once you're inside the mansion. The place is huge, and has a lot of rooms in it, some very big. Even if you don't want to follow it blindly, it's a very convenient visual marker that will help to keep you from getting lost as you explore.
Walk across the beam to your left, until you run out of beam. You can jump across to the short beam, and use the peephole. I didn't see anything inside, however. Hop down to the ground, and head left. At the next right, you'll hear guards talking. The area is well lit, so be careful when you go past them.
Keep following the street until you find the gate. Garrett will start talking when you're in the right place. Before you go through, turn left and climb over a crate. There's a window that has some loot on the other side of it. It's on ground level, so don't worry about climbing anything, except the crate.
The Baron's mansion is fairly well guarded, and has treasure scattered all over the grounds outside. There is also a plaque for your collection. To get this, climb the structure to your left, and look for a man made waterfall. The plaque is on the stature on top of the bridge the water is coming from. At ground level is a small maintenance room for the water. Use either door that you can, and look for the valve inside. Turning it shuts off the water.Climb up the wall that was behind the water, and the plaque will be right in your face.
You now need to head towards the big front door to the mansion. It is barricaded, so turn to your left and follow the path. There is a dog in the area, so go slow. Unless you already took out the guards. If you did, ignore the barking. Turn left, and follow the outside wall of the building until you come across a well lit area with a couple of guards. Deal with them as you need to, and keep moving in the same direction.
Soon you'll reach the end of the trail. There's a broken archway that you can climb for a small item in a bird's nest. Other than that, use focus to find a crane with a pulley that you can shoot. This will drop a large crate that you can use to climb over. After your short climb, look up and shoot a rope arrow at the beam. Climb up the rope, and climb the window. I don't know why, but I had a hard time getting it to pry open.
You're now in the mansion's attic. As Garrett says, "That was the easy part." Your next objective is to go and find the Baron in his study. As you would expect, the mansion is huge. It will take a while to explore, and there's a lot of money to be made stealing here. There's also a lot of guards and a few traps, so be careful, and use focus whenever you suspect anything.
There is a well lit area to your left. This is the way out, and of course, there's a guard in the doorway. Fortunately, his back is to you, and he's an idiot. Just sneak up on Barney Fife, and move on. Head down the stairs, and explore all of the rooms.When you see a big rug made up of squares, use focus to follow the wires. On each side of the hallway there is a room that has a vent near the ceiling. Climb through each vent, and head to the electrical box. Use your wire cutter, and the floor is safe. If you crotch and swoop, you can get past the trap with minimal damage, but that will waste food to heal. Plus, there are guards, so please, cut the wires.
Eventually you will come to a room that overlooks a large, well lit area. There are guards below, so be careful. i made the mistake of climbing in one spot, thinking that I could land on a ledge. Instead, I ended up right behind one of the guards. Once you're through with the guards, there is a lot of territory to explore. If you don't make the mistake of jumping like I did, there are stairs that go down to the same area. If you're good a t sneaking in this game, or at least have the patience, feel free to take this path instead.
Be sure to look through every keyhole from here on out. There will be a few places where you can see the guard before opening a door. This will make life easier if you're trying to sneak attack them. Or just sneak around them. in the Great Hall, look under the tables for hidden loot.
Soon you'll come to a small room with a cabinet that you can climb to reach some pipes. Unscrew the grate, and head into the next room. Don't bother trying to put out the fireplace. A guard will come in right away and relight it. Unfortunately, he doesn't come close enough for you to do an aerial take down. If you want to sneak attack him, hide behind the door or the couch. He does have a friend nearby, and his friend is very alert.
Once you're done with them, loot freely, and head out the door. Keep exploring, and follow your cursor. Soon, you'll end up near some well lit stairs. Stairs that you need to use, and of course, are guarded. Head up the stairs, go through the door at the top, and climb the wall with a vent near the top. To your right is a pipe that has some blue tint to it. Use focus if you have to. This is the beginning of a climbing sequence.
Hop down at the end of the pipes, and head up the stairs. There's more climbing to do outside of the elevator. At one point, the elevator will start to move. You can't advance until the elevator stops, so just wait it out. Once it stops, continue moving in the direction that you were headed. At the top, there's more stairs that you need to jump to. Head up, and there's a set of double doors that you can't peep through.
Watch the cut scene to learn about your brother, the Primal, Erin, and yourself. You can tell you're getting near the end of the game, since so much information is revealed here. When the cut scene is over, you're in the Waiting Hall of The Study Tower. There's some hyper alert, well trained guards here, so move carefully.
There's broken glass on the stairs to your right, and a well lit area to your left. The advantage of the left is that the lit area has some walls you can hide behind. It's not hard to sneak up on the first patrolling guard. The second guard on patrol will take a little more patience. He keeps checking on the bodies of some men. Move slowly, and wait until he is either out of sight or bending over the men. Wait until he's bending to make your attack. He doesn't stay in one place long, so move slow to reach him, and fast to attack him.
Before heading down to the next level, go up the other side of the stairs, and explore. There are guards, but they aren't as bright as the last few. You can hide and distract them easily. Once you get past them, there's a safe in the area. Enter 0 1 7 to open it. Then head back to the stairs, and go down to the next area.
There are two guards on patrol down there. Instead of taking the stairs directly, you can jump to some small ledges near the top. This will let you sneak up on at least one of them. The other will spot you right away, so be prepared to fight. Inside the well lit area is a small opening near the floor. Crotch down and go through.
You are now in the Ceremony Room. Your new objective is to find the passage to the Baron's laboratory. Keep moving forward until you find an area with stairs headed down. My game started to lag, so I cannot honestly say that these two guards are easy. Your experience with them may differ from mine.
The primal stone piece is in some sort of a strange contraption. The contraption is the silliest puzzle in the game so far. Head up the next set of stairs, and there's some valves. Pass them for now, and go to the end of the path. Shot a rope arrow so you can climb to the next area. Get the treasure, and climb back. Now head to the bottom of the contraption, and climb down. There's more treasure to grab.
Return to the two valves, and move them one at a time. When you hit the right combination for a spot, the contraption starts to break. Once you made a break in the contraption, turn the next valve. There's a break, turn the other valve. Keep switching between the two until the contraption blows up. Then all you have to do is walk across to get your primal piece.
Pick up the piece, and there's a very short cut scene. Head down again, and leave the area. Before you can leave, there's another cut scene. Your friend the general is there, and he's not happy with you. He's still holding a grudge for shooting him in the leg earlier in the game. How rude of him!
Now comes the worst part of the game so far. The building is on fire and collapsing (like the other building). This time, you also have to jump across the docks at a few places. To start with, when you reach the water, shoot the pulley that's holding a boat in place. It will allow you to jump from the dock, to the boat, and onto the other dock.
The next thing you need to do is run, jump, and keep running at the next dock. If you aren't holding LT to run after you jump, you die. Up ahead it's the reverse. There's falling debris that blocks your line of sight. If you run, you die. Eventually an area collapses near you. You have to climb the fiery debris carefully. Move slow, or you fall and die. Soon there's a house on your left with an open window. Enter, and you d... I mean, the house turns on its side. Climb the desk (that you don't get to loot), and head out the hole in the wall.
There's a big cloud of dust as something falls. Stop until you can see where you're going. Otherwise, you walk right off the road, into a fire pit, and you... I think you can guess by now. When you reach a narrow bit of street that wasn't destroyed, head across. You have to do another running jump at the end. Fortunately, the jump results in a cut scene. You made it through one of the most mediocre levels of a very mediocre game.
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