Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thief 2014: Chapter 7

Before you start, make sure you have plenty of arrows. You will need rope, blunts, and fire arrows especially. A few blast arrows can help as well. Also be sure to have a supply of food and poppies. You'll need them, even if you manage to sneak past every guard here.

Now that you've entered the Hidden City, you need to find your way into the Cathedral. As you may have guessed, the area is well lit, and has a few guards around. Sneaking from here on out won't be easy, so even if you aren't tired of trying, you may want to kill a few of the guards. Oh, and don't bother putting out most of the fires they use for lights. The guards will just relight them.

The game gives you two options to reach the first set of guards. You can pick the lock on the gate, and try from that point, or you can keep going to the left of the gate, and enter through a small hole in the wall. Take your time and explore the area. Once you've decided on the best route for your game style, move into the area.

As you can see in the video, there is a hidden area that you need the wrench for. Inside is a chest with some food, and two valuables. Once you leave the room, you're in an area with a few crows. If you swoop, they start to caw. If you don't swoop, you're surrounded by guards that can see you, thanks to the light. If you have the ammo, shoot a few of the guards, or the crows, and try to go past. Otherwise, you'll have to fight.

After you loot everything, ring the bell to open the door. There are some crates that you can climb, if you want to shoot it with a blunt arrow. As you can see, the guards on the other side move very slow and cautiously. Try to wait them out, and then snipe them. I lost my footing trying to get a better shot, and had to deal with them from ground level.

When you're ready to advance, look up for a rope. Before you climb, shoot a rope arrow at the beam that's close to it. Now you'll need to climb on the crates, and jump to the first rope. Tarzan your way to the second rope, and climb up. The alternative route is to just take the stairs under the big hammer design that you saw in the cut scene. You now need to look for the stairs that lead down, towards the elevator controls. To find them, turn your back to the ropes, and head forward. They will be to your left when you come to the wall.

If you haven't already shot the guard, sneak or snipe. Pull the lever to bring the elevator up to you. While waiting, look on a steel beam that has a coin on it. Grab it, and get inside the elevator once it reaches you. Just press RS when prompted, and you'll zoom in on some cult members. Shortly after, your ride is over.

Use the climbing spot to access a pipe. Wall crawl to a platform, and head in the only direction available to you. Once you see something valuable on the ground, stop. Use focus, and follow the wire up past a short climbing wall. To your left is a wire box. Open it, cut the wire, and get the item. Keep heading in your only direction until  you hear a conversation. Now it's time to get stealthy again. The area is well lit, and has guards.There's also some broken glass on the ground, which means you can't move very fast.

Keep advancing until you reach a safe. The combination is 6 7 3. After you open the safe, turn right until you reach the torch. Just to your left is a pile of crates that you can crotch under. Follow the path until you reach a second opening that you need to crotch through. This leads you to a set of stairs heading up. Head through the narrow opening, and you'll reach an area with more Freaks. Remember, Freaks can hear you, but not see you. As long as you're quiet, you have a chance.

Use focus, and you'll find a switch on the wall. Shoot it with a blunt. This will save you valuable time later. Once you reach the wall with the switch, you'll have to sneak past a patrolling Forsaken that is guarding a valve. You will have to turn the valve to open the door. For some reason, you aren't allowed to sneak up on them, as you can see in my clip.

If you have enough ammo, you can kill one or two of them, but they are ammo hogs. It may be better for you to just head to the left, and sneak past them. If you're spotted, run back to the area you just came from and go back under the crates. They give up on you very quickly. Look up at the end of that path, and shoot a rope arrow at the beam. This will give you a chance to head to the stairs near the valve. There's also a small room that you have to crotch to access.

Grab the rope to reach the next platform. Unlock the door, and you'll find a booby trapped chest with the Bronze Bracelet inside. Exit the room, and grab the next rope. If you haven't saved in a while, now's a good time to do so. You have to be very careful when timing the next Forsaken's patrol. It won't stop attacking you until you're dead, and it will take a few seconds to get the door open.

Stay on the rope and watch the creature. When he starts to go up the stairs, jump to the platform. Sneak to the wall that the stairs go up, and wait until you hear the Forsaken start to move. That's your cue to climb the wall, and start turning the valve. For some reason, most of the valves in this game require tht you turn them clockwise (left to right). Turn as fast as you can, then head through the door. you'll have to crotch under, so don't expect to be able to outrun the creature if you're too slow.

The next passageway has a lot of flames shooting out of the walls. There is a valve that you can climb to and turn them off. I highly recommend doing it before advancing. There's a few of them. Use focus and follow the gas lines to the valve. Be sure to watch your timing, because the valve just happens to be in front of one of the jets. FUN!

Head back up the path until you see a cell door with two guards talking on the other side. Wait for them to pass, and then ignore the platform in front of you. The gap is too far to jump. Instead look to your left, and climb the wall. There's a small hole that you can crotch through, and enter the next room. One guard is patrolling with a torch, and the other is an archer. Deal with them however you need to, and head forward.

At the top of the stairs is another narrow passage that you'll need to squeeze through. You are now in the highly lit Storeroom. To your left is a chest with food and an arrow. Across from it is the valve that opens the door. Head up the stairs, and Garrett tells you that Orion is inside the rotunda, administering his cure.

There are so many obstacles in this area, I don't advise even trying to sneak around. You are surrounded by light, and if you shoot on out with a water arrow, a guard will relight it before you can gain an advantage. There are also some caged crows, and lots of broken glass. I'm surprised that the designers didn't include a few dogs as well.

The best bet here is to try and take the guards out one by one. Lure them to you using the glass, and hide. When one's on position, sneak attack. Move towards your next target, and repeat. There is also a building to your right as you enter. Just keep circling from one place to another, taking out the guards ninja style.

Once you're done with the guards, and you've grabbed all of the loot that you can find, look for the window that you need to enter. There will be a rope outside. Of course, you'll need to shoot a second rope up to the beam next to it. Before you can do your Tarzan impersonation, there's a crate suspended by a hoist. Shoot the pulley (if you didn't already do so to squash a guard or two), and climb it. Hop up a short wall, walk across a short beam to a platform, and head to the window. Once inside, there's no going back, so be sure you're happy with your loot and kills.

Now that you're inside, turn the valve to your left, to open the door. While the door is opening, pick the lock on the chest at the other end of the hallway, and grab its contents. Head back to the door, up the stairs, and enjoy the cut scene. For some reason, I didn't have any sound during the remaining cut scenes. I don't know if it was do to a programming glitch, or because I had to turn the music off, thanks to YouTube's rules about "monetizing" a video that has a sound track.

Regardless, after the cut scene you're in another of the "psychic world" style areas. To get past this part, you have to collect everything. Fortunately, there isn't a lot of area to cover, so just look towards the ground, and hit "X" (or whatever your console or PC uses) every time you're prompted. Once you're done, you see a group of people, one of which is holding an item. As you try to get the item, an eveil version of Erin pops up, and the scene is over.

There is another cut scene, which seems to involve Erin, Orion, and Garrett, as well as the General. This leads to your big boss battle with the latter. As soon as you can move, start hiding behind pillars, and equip your best arrow. Blast and fire arrows both work nicely. The General has a powerful blast attack, so keep hiding behind pillars, barrels, or whatever you can find. Sneak up behind him, and take your best shot. Once he's knocked down, loot the room and then knock him out.

Pick the lock on the door, and head through it. This gives you the "completed" message. One warning, however. You start Chapter 8 inside the rotunda. It will be some time before you can find a merchant, so if you're low on ammo, you'll have to take your time to sneak around.

                  The Introduction Cut Scene

                      The Quest To Find Erin

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Deadpool: The Video Game - Review

Ah, Deadpool. How can you not love him? He's crass, vulgar, unkempt, and idiotic. Basically Archie Bunker with cool super powers, swords, and a gun. You gotta love him! Granted, his comics weren't always the best, and his movie, previous video game (Marvel Ultimate Alliance), and cartoon (Ultimate Spider-Man) appearances didn't do him justice. But in this game, he's the best.

Voiced by legendary game and soap opera star Nolan North, Deadpool is finally brought to life in a way that truly reflects his character. He knows that he's a video game character (in the books, it's called "comic awareness"), and often breaks the fourth wall. Not only does he talk to you directly, but he even walks away from you in one scene near the end of the game. It's up to you to catch the joke, and start to follow him. As a bonus, there's a bit with Deadpool and Nolan North talking on the phone early in the game.

As much as I want to hate this game, I can't. I know, after that build up, you didn't expect me to say I want to hate the game. Unfortunately, the designers decided that instead of giving Deadpool a full out action game, they did the standard cross platform bit, and threw in way too much platforming. Some of it was done in a joking way, such as when the game turns into a classic 16 bit era game. Another joke had him using the speach balloons from the voices in his head as jumping points.

If more of the platforming were done this way, it would have been fine. But between Deadpool having very limited teleporting distance (except for a handful of areas where the developers were too lazy to give him something to jump to), almost the whole game feels like a platformer. Jump from one ledge to another, collect some items, kill some enemies, and repeat. Wade Wilson (his real identity) deserves better than this.

Then to add insult to injury (to the player, as well as the character), most of the enemies are repeated. Even mini bosses and bosses that you've killed off keep getting cloned to come back at you. Often in waves, with little ammo to be found near the end of the game. Even the final boss, Mr. Sinister, is killed multiple times. First you kill a clone, then the final fight is a wave of multiple Mr. Sinister clones. And again, limited ammo.

In the end, the only thing that saves the game is the script, and Nolan North. The jokes themselves get repetitive fast, such as watching Deadpool sneak up on an enemy on his tip toes. He is given a pair of cartoon mallets to attack with, but they just don't work very well, or long, as a gag. Even the multiple button pushing jokes, such as when you have to keep slapping an unconscious Wolverine, are over used.

If you have a week end to kill, rent the game. It is fun. Or if you can find it cheap, grab it. Just don't expect this to become a game that you want in your library. It really doesn't have a lot of replay value, unless you want to replay chapters to get all of the collectibles. Even then, the jokes that require shock value will start to fall dead fast.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Thief Side Mission: The Witch Of Stonemarket

Head down the stairs, and open the grate. At the end of the tunnel is a room with lit candles, and a knife. I don't know if you need the knife. You do need to snuff the candles, however.

Thief Side Mission: The Tinker's Trinket

There is a set of stairs headed down, into a building, near where you entered the area. The room has a few guards in it, and the flames provide a lot of light. This isn't an area to sneak around in, so just take them out however you need to, and get to the door inside.

Pick the lock, and enter. The General's New Medal is inside the chest. There is also a document on the desk, and a 50G pocket Watch inside.

Thief Side Mission: The Rule Of Thumb

This is another place that you have to look up to enter. Look for the open trap door, and shot an arrow up. Climb into the room, and open the window inside. There is a man walking around the wooden room with a lit torch. Let me repeat, there is a man with a huge flame, walking around a small room filled with flammable items and drapes. Kill this idiot before he sets the whole city on fire, and loot the place.

Inside a cabinet is a rare, highly valuable, vase. Smash it and push the button that was hidden behind it. Grab the Iris Brooch, and head back to the pyromaniac. He has the item that you're after on him. Just pick him up, and you'll collect it. Throw the body, and leave.

Thief Side Mission: The Point Of No Return

This is one of the areas hidden by debris. Look for a small opening near the ground, and crotch through. There is a merchant just to your left, if you'd like to stock up or sell anything. On the left side of the stairs is an electrical box, Cut the wire to gain access to the building.

Behind the painting is a button. Expect to be shot when you push it. Garrett even makes a joke about it after you pick up the items that you came for. The body by the painting has an item, and two more pieces are reveled behind you to your left after you push the button.

Thief Side Mission: The Path To Riches

You have to make it past the dogs and guards to get to where you're going. There are ledges, as well as rope points from previous missions, if you want to sneak. Of course, they can also be used to make taking the opposition out easier as well.

Once you've gotten past the guards, climb the crates to access a platform Grab the rope, and climb up to the next platform. Climb through the window, and grab everything. Head down the stairs, loot the place, the shoot a rope arrow at the beam by the bottom of the stairs. Climb up, and your target is on the floor, to your left.

Long Drop Full Stop

Shoot a rope arrow at the beam near the window, Climb the nearby crates and circle around on the roof tops. Cross the street using the long beam, and turn left at the platform, Around the corner is your rope. Tarzan your way to the window, and climb inside.

Examine the books in the back of the room for a hidden switch. This opens a new area, which has the book you're after, as well as some other goodies.

Thief Side Mission: Eyes On The Prize

"It must be the clerk. Maybe he can help." As soon as you enter the window, Garrett gives you a big clue. Use focus, and you'll see that there's a pressure plate near the window. Pick up the clerk's dead body, and throw him on it. This opens the door to the next room.

There is a switch and an electric box inside. Use both, grab the loot, and head back toward the window. Just to your left is a door that you have to lock pick to open. Drop down the hole, and your telescope piece is inside a night stand. There is also some ammo on the shelves.

Thief Side Mission: Check, Mate

Climb the crates by the two men huddling around the fire. Open the window, loot everything, then head downstairs. There's a switch on the wall that you can shoot with a blunt arrow, or slowly sneak up on. As you can see in the video, I've become to jaded to even try to pick the lock with the man in the room.

After you pick the lock and enter the next room, there's a door to your right. Enter, and use focus to find the electrical box. Cut the wire, and you can freely search the room. Enter 7 7 6 for the safe, and the mission is complete.

Thief Side Missions Note

After you meet Vittori for the first time, Basso stops giving you missions at The Siren's Rest. Once you've finished all of Basso and Vittori's jobs, look for Basso back at the Crippled Burrick. If he isn't there, and you've finished all of the missions from thse two, go to Ector's Emporium.

Remember, you don't gt all of the missions at once. You only get a handful after each chapter. You should be able to get the achievements for completing all of the client jobs, as well as Basso's, before you start chapter seven. That means you have to check back with Basso, Vittori, and Ector until you've received and completed all of the missions.

Thief Side Mission: A Grave Matter

This isn't a difficult mission at all. You just need to backtrack to the room you shot a rope to access at the beginning of Chapter 6. Climb the rope back up to the room, and open the cabinet next to the window that looks out over the yard. The urn is the item that you weren't allowed to pick up before.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Thief Side Mission: Sideshow Attraction

This is the last Vittori mission. The woman of his dreams is being held captive, and it's up to you to rescue her. Normally, I would just say "follow the cursor." However, there are two areas that you can reach on the way to rescuing her. I didn't realize that they were short cuts until after I started to explore them. So, instead of seeing the rope arrow shot at the beam, and me using focus to disarm the traps, the video starts after I jumped back down from where the rope is shot. I zoomed in on the floor tiles and the electrical box, to point out where they are.

The second room is outside the window on the right, as you walk in. Climb out the window, and jump across to the next ledge. There's another apartment that you can loot there. After you're done, return to the room you used the rope to enter, and head out the other window. Jump down, and head to your left. There is a grate there that you can use to access the next area. There will be a guard with a torch on partol. He heads fairly close to the table with the flashing loot on it, so move slowly, and take him out.The starting point for the mission is the gate just to your right of the table.

The first room has a guard that's eying all of the treasure for himself. Take him down, loot the area, and open the safe. When you look through the keyhole in the next door, you see a guard circling the area with a torch. What you don't see are the other guards in the area. Deal with them as you see fit, and lot, loot, loot. Don't head down the stairs just yet. There are more rooms in the area to loot. If you are being more sneaky that I was, the well lit room has a bird in it, so be extra careful.

Once you've raided all of the rooms on this floor, and gotten the cell key (it's tucked away near a type writer on a desk, so you won't see the usual treasure flash), head downstairs to free Ysabella. There are a couple of levels to go, so just keep sneaking and looting, until you find the level with the cell door.

Inside the cell block are several cells with heavy doors. Peep through the keyholes if you don't have the cursor option turned on. Most of the cells with closed doors have a guard behind them. You don't need to deal with them if you don't want to. Ysabella's door will be to the far side of the cell block. Open it, and you get a very brief cut scene, that has her fainting at the end.

Since she's unconscious, you have to carry her out. Unfortunately, there are a couple of new guards to deal with outside of the cell block. Drop poor Ysabella, and deal with the guards. If you haven't already done so, pick the lock on the door to your left. Now all you have to do is pick up Ysabella, and walk down the narrow passage to the exit. The mission is complete, but getting out is not as easy as just re-spawning at the Clock Tower.

If you follow the passage, you will find a merchant that you buy more arrows, food, or poppies from. To leave the area, go back to the rope that was in front of your face when you completed the mission, and climb up. You will be in a yard that has a wandering guard with a torch, as well as two stationary guards. There is also an obelisk with a plaque on it.

On the other side of the yard from where you start is a small room with a grate on the floor. Use this to return to the Watch Customs Yard. Climb back through the window that you used to get to the mission starting point, and backtrack to The Siren's Rest, Talk to Vitrroli, and get the final cut scene.

                                   Sideshow Attraction Opening Cut Scene

                       Locating The Mission

                      Finding The Cell Block

                        Rescuing Ysabella

                       Returning To Vittori

                   Vittori's Thank You Cut Scene

                 Please feel free to leave a comment

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Thief Side Mission: Brokenhearted

This is a pretty straight forward mission. Go to Ector's, and receive his final mission for you. Then, once you get to Clockwise's residence, loot everything you can. The walls will move around quite a bit once you start working the puzzles, so there's no going back.

As you enter the building, turn to your right and head down the stairs. There aren't any guards or traps, so relax and loot. Relax and loot. It's that simple. Then head up to the second floor, loot everything, relax, and head back to the main floor.

Loot everything, while ignoring the button under the golden bust in the middle of the second room. After you've found everything, push the button. Go ahead, you know you want to. The walls move (I told you so), and there's new territory to loot. Afterwards, relax, and push the button. The walls move....

Eventually, you run out of rooms with buttons to push. You do, however, find an elevator. Use it to go up to the attic (you can't go down, I tried). At the end of this hall filled with rooms and loot is a strange symbol on the wall. The idea is to get them all pushed in at once. Supposedly, the documents give you a clue, but I found that it was easier to just mess around with it. When it opens, there's an elevator that will take you to the sub-basement.

Now you have a new puzzle. Again, the documents are supposed to help, but it's not that hard to work out with trial and error. The idea is to walk over specific tiles, in a specific order. I started on the far right, went up one, walked left to the other end, etc. The video will show you the pattern. If you accidentally take the wrong turn, go back to the plate in the entryway. It will reset the puzzle.

Now all you need to do is get the heart, the signed confession from Clockwise (next to his fly ridden corpse), and use the ladder in the newly opened room to your right. Then just head back to Ector, and the job is over.

                                          Part One: Getting the Assignment (Cut Scene)

                                    Parts Two & Three: Exploring Clockwise's Residence

                                     Part Four: Returning The Golden Heart (Cut Scene)

                                                 Please feel free to comment below

Autistic People In Illinois Need Your E-Mail

Recently, Illinois Governor  Bruce Rauner decided that autistic people aren't worth caring about. In order to provide tax loopholes and breaks for Fortune 500 companies, as well as the wealthy, he gutted the State's budget. All social safety net programs have lost funding under this man. I am not just talking reductions, I am talking total elimination of funding for all social safety net programs.

I work for one of the many agencies affected by these cuts. Due to regulations that my agency has regarding employees and social media, I won't say which one. In fact, the name of my organization doesn't matter. What matters are all of the people that will be hurt should any of the organizations be forced to close their doors, due to these cuts.

I am what's known as a "Job Coach." It is my responsibility to help autistic adults learn to function in the work force. For some of the people that I , and others, coach, it isn't hard work. Odds are, if you met one of the people on the street, you wouldn't guess that they had a learning disability. However, there are many more that do need help. Help learning things that may sound easy to learn to you, such as mopping, bagging at a grocery store, or stocking inventory.

These are people that want to contribute to society. They pay taxes out of their paychecks, just like everyone else. They work hard at what they do. Some harder than those without autism, because there are bosses that work them harder. Not everyone is comfortable hiring these people, and occasionally do it because "Corporate" makes them hire a diverse staff.

The people that I, and others, coach need people that can help them get a foothold into the working world. They do not expect to be treated any differently than you or me. They only want to be treated with the same respect and dignity that we take for granted. They want to be a part of society.

But people like Gov Rauner don't care about that. They don't care that there are people trying their hardest to fit in, to work hard, to pay their taxes, just like everybody else. He doesn't care that it is harder for these people to get a job, much less learn a job, and be a functioning part of our society.

I know that there are people that read this blog from around the world. I check the traffic stats from time to time. I have seen that some posts have been read by someone in Australia, South Korea, Indonesia, and other countries. You are the people that I am asking to contact the Governor. There have been many write in campaigns, as well as online petitions. They have all been ignored.

I am asking anyone that reads this, especially those that live in other countries, to contact Rauner. Let him know that the days of cloaked, local politics are over. Thanks to the inter-net, there is no such thing as local anymore. Remind him that people outside of Illinois buy the products made here. We have wineries, manufacturing, and farms, just to name the basic industries.

Please, let Rauner know that those of you that might buy our products care about what happens to those in society that need help. People that are trying to contribute, but are being denied the chance at basic human dignity. People that just need a little extra assistance. They are not people asking for hand outs. If they were, they wouldn't be trying to find jobs that they could preform for a living.

Below is the contact page from the State of Illinois. Even more important, there's a link to his Facebook page. Let him know that it isn't just the voters of Illinois that is watching him. The world is.

Thank You

The State of Illinois contact page:

Bruce Rauner's Facebook page:

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Thief Chapter 6: A Man Apart

The first thing you need to do is travel to Northcrest Manor. After you leave the Clock Tower, there's a brief cut scene. When it's over, heard down the path and turn left. There's a window that you need to jimmy nearby. This is the Watch Tower Counsel. Head downstairs, and out the window.

You will need a few different arrows for this chapter, so be sure to have some rope arrows, water arrows, blunts, and whatever arrows you prefer for attacking. A good supply of food and poppies will help you as well. You should also have the wrench and the wire cutters by now.
there is a trap here that you can possibly get through with some luck, but life in the game will be so much easier with these tools.

Even if you hate using the cursor in this game, you will find it very useful once you're inside the mansion. The place is huge, and has a lot of rooms in it, some very big. Even if you don't want to follow it blindly, it's a very convenient visual marker that will help to keep you from getting lost as you explore.

Walk across the beam to your left, until you run out of beam. You can jump across to the short beam, and use the peephole. I didn't see anything inside, however. Hop down to the ground, and head left. At the next right, you'll hear guards talking. The area is well lit, so be careful when you go past them.

Keep following the street until you find the gate. Garrett will start talking when you're in the right place. Before you go through, turn left and climb over a crate. There's a window that has some loot on the other side of it. It's on ground level, so don't worry about climbing anything, except the crate.

The Baron's mansion is fairly well guarded, and has treasure scattered all over the grounds outside. There is also a plaque for your collection. To get this, climb the structure to your left, and look for a man made waterfall. The plaque is on the stature on top of the bridge the water is coming from. At ground level is a small maintenance room for the water. Use either door that you can, and look for the valve inside. Turning it shuts off the water.Climb up the wall that was behind the water, and the plaque will be right in your face.

You now need to head towards the big front door to the mansion. It is barricaded, so turn to your left and follow the path. There is a dog in the area, so go slow. Unless you already took out the guards. If you did, ignore the barking. Turn left, and follow the outside wall of the building until you come across a well lit area with a couple of guards. Deal with them as you need to, and keep moving in the same direction.

Soon you'll reach the end of the trail. There's a broken archway that you can climb for a small item in a bird's nest. Other than that, use focus to find a crane with a pulley that you can shoot. This will drop a large crate that you can use to climb over. After your short climb, look up and shoot a rope arrow at the beam. Climb up the rope, and climb the window. I don't know why, but I had a hard time getting it to pry open.

You're now in the mansion's attic. As Garrett says, "That was the easy part." Your next objective is to go and find the Baron in his study. As you would expect, the mansion is huge. It will take a while to explore, and there's a lot of money to be made stealing here. There's also a lot of guards and a few traps, so be careful, and use focus whenever you suspect anything.

There is a well lit area to your left. This is the way out, and of course, there's a guard in the doorway. Fortunately, his back is to you, and he's an idiot. Just sneak up on Barney Fife, and move on. Head down the stairs, and explore all of the rooms.When you see a big rug made up of squares, use focus to follow the wires. On each side of the hallway there is a room that has a vent near the ceiling. Climb through each vent, and head to the electrical box. Use your wire cutter, and the floor is safe. If you crotch and swoop, you can get past the trap with minimal damage, but that will waste food to heal. Plus, there are guards, so please, cut the wires.

Eventually you will come to a room that overlooks a large, well lit area. There are guards below, so be careful. i made the mistake of climbing in one spot, thinking that I could land on a ledge. Instead, I ended up right behind one of the guards. Once you're through with the guards, there is a lot of territory to explore. If you don't make the mistake of jumping like I did, there are stairs that go down to the same area. If you're good a t sneaking in this game, or at least have the patience, feel free to take this path instead.

Be sure to look through every keyhole from here on out. There will be a few places where you can see the guard before opening a door. This will make life easier if you're trying to sneak attack them. Or just sneak around them. in the Great Hall, look under the tables for hidden loot.

Soon you'll come to a small room with a cabinet that you can climb to reach some pipes. Unscrew the grate, and head into the next room. Don't bother trying to put out the fireplace. A guard will come in right away and relight it. Unfortunately, he doesn't come close enough for you to do an aerial take down. If you want to sneak attack him, hide behind the door or the couch. He does have a friend nearby, and his friend is very alert.

Once you're done with them, loot freely, and head out the door. Keep exploring, and follow your cursor. Soon, you'll end up near some well lit stairs. Stairs that you need to use, and of course, are guarded. Head up the stairs, go through the door at the top, and climb the wall with a vent near the top. To your right is a pipe that has some blue tint to it. Use focus if you have to. This is the beginning of a climbing sequence.

Hop down at the end of the pipes, and head up the stairs. There's more climbing to do outside of the elevator. At one point, the elevator will start to move. You can't advance until the elevator stops, so just wait it out. Once it stops, continue moving in the direction that you were headed. At the top, there's more stairs that you need to jump to. Head up, and there's a set of double doors that you can't peep through.

Watch the cut scene to learn about your brother, the Primal, Erin, and yourself. You can tell you're getting near the end of the game, since so much information is revealed here. When the cut scene is over, you're in the Waiting Hall of The Study Tower. There's some hyper alert, well trained guards here, so move carefully.

There's broken glass on the stairs to your right, and a well lit area to your left. The advantage of the left is that the lit area has some walls you can hide behind. It's not hard to sneak up on the first patrolling guard. The second guard on patrol will take a little more patience. He keeps checking on the bodies of some men. Move slowly, and wait until he is either out of sight or bending over the men. Wait until he's bending to make your attack. He doesn't stay in one place long, so move slow to reach him, and fast to attack him.

Before heading down to the next level, go up the other side of the stairs, and explore. There are guards, but they aren't as bright as the last few. You can hide and distract them easily. Once you get past them, there's a safe in the area. Enter 0 1 7 to open it. Then head back to the stairs, and go down to the next area.

There are two guards on patrol down there. Instead of taking the stairs directly, you can jump to some small ledges near the top. This will let you sneak up on at least one of them. The other will spot you right away, so be prepared to fight. Inside the well lit area is a small opening near the floor. Crotch down and go through.

You are now in the Ceremony Room. Your new objective is to find the passage to the Baron's laboratory. Keep moving forward until you find an area with stairs headed down. My game started to lag, so I cannot honestly say that these two guards are easy. Your experience with them may differ from mine.

The primal stone piece is in some sort of a strange contraption. The contraption is the silliest puzzle in the game so far. Head up the next set of stairs, and there's some valves. Pass them for now, and go to the end of the path. Shot a rope arrow so you can climb to the next area. Get the treasure, and climb back. Now head to the bottom of the contraption, and climb down. There's more treasure to grab.

Return to the two valves, and move them one at a time. When you hit the right combination for a spot, the contraption starts to break. Once you made a break in the contraption, turn the next valve. There's a break, turn the other valve. Keep switching between the two until the contraption blows up. Then all you have to do is walk across to get your primal piece.

Pick up the piece, and there's a very short cut scene. Head down again, and leave the area. Before you can leave, there's another cut scene. Your friend the general is there, and he's not happy with you. He's still holding a grudge for shooting him in the leg earlier in the game. How rude of him!

Now comes the worst part of the game so far. The building is on fire and collapsing (like the other building). This time, you also have to jump across the docks at a few places. To start with, when you reach the water, shoot the pulley that's holding a boat in place. It will allow you to jump from the dock, to the boat, and onto the other dock.

The next thing you need to do is run, jump, and keep running at the next dock. If you aren't holding LT to run after you jump, you die. Up ahead it's the reverse. There's falling debris that blocks your line of sight. If you run, you die. Eventually an area collapses near you. You have to climb the fiery debris carefully. Move slow, or you fall and die. Soon there's a house on your left with an open window.  Enter, and you d... I mean, the house turns on its side. Climb the desk (that you don't get to loot), and head out the hole in the wall.

There's a big cloud of dust as something falls. Stop until you can see where you're going. Otherwise, you walk right off the road, into a fire pit, and you... I think you can guess by now. When you reach a narrow bit of street that wasn't destroyed, head across. You have to do another running jump at the end. Fortunately, the jump results in a cut scene. You made it through one of the most mediocre levels of a very mediocre game.

 The Game Play Videos

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thief Chapter 5: The Forsaken

You've decided that you should follow up on what Erin told you, so Basso is kind enough to row you to the island that is home to the asylum. The HAUNTED asylum, that is. After the cut scene, explore the outside of the building. There is some good loot to be had. Since there aren't any guards, just explore freely.

Enter the building, and look around. There isn't anything to be afraid of. Yet. Go through the Men's area first. There will be a key hidden inside that you will need to open the Women's area. The key will look like a small, golden statue of the Empire State Building. Why do so many games have keys that look like this? Serious Sam, for instance.

Explore the Men's Ward until you reach a dead end. You will see a valve nearby. Turn it, and a gate opens, allowing you to advance. Explore the rooms, and you'll eventually find the key. if you don't see it, watch the videos that accompany this blog. The main points are discovered. I did not get all of the treasure, but I did finish the level.

Do yourself a favor. While exploring, always use the keyhole before you open a door. Several of them will have a ghost, some of which will peek back at you through the keyhole. They will disappear once the door opens, so don't close it afterwards and expect to see a ghost.

Backtrack, and head to the Women's Wards. Again, there isn't anything that will actually harm you yet, so take your time and explore. When you're ready, follow the cursor to the records that you came for. Outside the brightly lit room is a wire box. I didn't use focus before I cut the wire, so I don't know what it was attached to. Sorry.

After you grab the records, look up above a cabinet for an air vent. Climb the cabinet to get inside. You now have access to some new areas.  Explore all of the areas that you missed, and move on. Be sure to look into every peephole that you see. Some will advance the story, using cut scenes. Your next exit point is a pile of crates/debris blocking a doorway. When you find it, squeeze through, and into the next area.

Your next step is to "descend to the treatment level." Go through the door, and down the stairs. Open the door and walk through. Jump to the beam across the gap, and as soon as you reach the platform, turn left and up the stairs. There's another valve waiting for you. Now go back down, and take the other set of stairs until you reach the bottom.

I didn't notice until I watched the video of my play through, but there is a ladder by the switch. Pushing the switch appears to have made the ladder move out of reach. I have no idea what was at the other end of the ladder. Sorry. Just more proof that I'm doing this on my own as much as possible, and not using a cheat book. I'm a treasure hog. There's no way I'd pass any up if I knew how to get it.

Go back to looking through the keyholes if you want. There aren't any interesting ghosts, but you'll get an idea of what's behind the doors. There's also another cut scene behind one of them. Later, you'll be able to open and close them with the switches. But for now, the power is off. Which, of course, means that you'll have to find a power source soon.

When you hear Garrett say "there must be a generator around here somewhere," you've reached the desk with the elevator key. Pick the lock on the desk to get it. Continue going through the hallway, and down the stairs. At the end of the generator room is a throw lever. If you can't find it, face the door that you entered the room from, and use focus. It will be on your right hand side.

Now that the power is on, you can open the doors in this area. But be careful. There are now things that can hurt you. Press the Lock Down Override next to the desk that had the elevator key in it. An alarm sounds, and the gate behind you is closed. You will have to leave through the only open door available.

Take the syringe off of the restraining chair, and a cut scene triggers. This scene has an ending that might not be suitable for everyone. So, if you're the squeamish type, why are you playing a game like this in the first place? Go play Smurfs 2... Wait, I didn't play it. For all I know, the Smurfs take a chainsaw to Gargamel.

You are not only seeing what happened to Erin, you are now in her place, reliving the memories first hand. She did not have a nice time while she was in this place. It turns out that Erin did steal the Primal, the Baron wants it back, and Erin has faced a fate worse than death. Now it's time to leave this area.

Outside the room is a crazed person in a straight jacket. He is very strong, fast, and alert. If you can sneak past him, great. I couldn't, so I took him out. Then forgot to save the game when I went to take a break, and had to do it again. Hence the strange repeat in the videos. Thankfully there was an auto save point after the cut scene.

Enter the well lit room to the right of the chair room. There is an open vent near the floor that you can use to get to the next room. This room also has an exit vent, as well as a door. If you use the vent, you can see another "psycho" admiring his handy work. Specifically, he tied a doctor to the elevator, and is making it go up and down. I have no idea why.

If you exit through the door, you can choose to sneak past him, but then you have to give up on the treasures in the room. You can also sneak up behind him for a stealth kill. As you can see from my scores and statistics< i gave up on getting a ghost score a long time ago.

Turn off the elevator to get the treasure on top of it. Go behind the elevator and hop down into the pit. Unscrew the grate by the floor, and go inside. There's a maze of duct work that will lead you to the main building. Use the lever to gain access, but be very careful. Remember that creature from the library? The one that ignored you? He's not alone down here, and he and his friends are VERY alert, Be quiet, and put out lights whenever you can.

On your left is an elevator that you have to crotch to enter. Pick the lock, and head up. You are now on the other side of the ward that has the elevator with the doctor tied to it. There is another psycho in the well lit room, so be cautious as you move around. When you're done looting, take the elevator back down.

Turn left as you exit, and keep taking lefts as you head down the stairs. Eventually, you'll come across a focus point, so you can upgrade your focus skills. Now head back in the direction that the monster was moving. DO NOT TRY TO SNEAK ATTACK HIM! YOU WILL LOSE! Just follow from a distance for now.

Once you're in the Reformation area, be extra careful. There are several monsters in the area, as well as noisy items on the floor. DO NOT take the path on the right. One of the monsters is there, and so well cloaked by darkness that you won't see it until it's too late.  As you can see, not only was I ambushed, but I forgot to save periodically. Instead of capturing my replay of the section, I decided not to hit the record button until I was back to where I died.

The idea here is to move as slowly and quietly as you can. Swoop when you have to, but keep moving down. Eventually you will come across another debris filled doorway, that is very well lit. Run to it as soon as you're detected, and hit "X" the second you reach it. The monsters won't be able to follow you.

Pull the lever, ignore the monsters trying to grab you from inside the cells and sewers, and move forward. Pull the next lever, and go through the door to enter the psychic realm once more. After the cut scene, move forward, fall, and watch another cut scene.

Explore, grab the poppies, and enter the room that they lead you to. You get another cut scene before you can leave the area. Backtrack, and head to the next door. Climb the upended bed to get another poppy, and hop onto the ledge. Pick the lock inside the picture of Garrett. This opens a new door for you.

Leave, and look through the keyhole in the next door. You see Erin in a Victorian gown, hiding her face in the corner of the room. Tap her on the shoulder with the "X" button, experience one last cut scene, and you're back to safety in the real world.

The Game Play Videos


Next Game?

I finally had a chance to not only get caught up with the side missions, but I also finished Chapter 5. The question is, which game should I use for my next guide?

Thief only has eight chapters, and I'm hoping to bring out the rest of the game by the end of next week. If there's an Xbox One or 360 game that you want me to play, leave a comment below. I'll play it if I can get it.

If I don't get any suggestions once I'm done with Thief, I will, grab something from my back log, either a Metro game on The One, or Alien: Colonial Marines on the 360.

This month's review, on the last Wednesday of the month, will be Dead pool.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Thief Side Mission: Shark Bait

Once you're inside Eddy Levack's office, use focus. You'll notice that there are two pressure plates on the floor, and no switch in sight. The idea is to crotch, HUG THE LEFT WALL, and swoop. Unfortunately, I had started the mission, made it past the plate unharmed, and realized that I forgot to turn on the recorder. The second time around, I forgot to hug the wall, and you can see in the video what happened.

Inside the bureau is a vase. If you look closely, you can see that something is behind it. Smash the vase, and use the switch. This opens the door that leads to the electrical box. Once the wire is cut, the office is totally safe for you to crack the safe, and grab everything in the office.

Thief Side Mission: The Disappearing Poet

This is not a hard mission, just mildly annoying. For instance, one of the pieces of paper that you're looking for is under a bag of food. If you're at full health, and have a full inventory, you can't pick the food up.

All of the pieces are shown in the video that accompanies this post. The three that you're most likely to miss are the one under the food, the one on top of the bureau, and one hidden behind the lid of an open chest.

If you're stuck, just use focus to highlight anything that you can interact with in the area. 

Thief Side Mission: Saving Face

Wait for the two men patrolling the street to pass. Pick the lock on the door, and close it behind you. Head downstairs, and use focus. Unscrew the plate, and press the off button for the trap. The bust is straight to your left, on a smell shelf. Grab it and you're done.

Thief Side Mission: Fit For A Queen

You will need a few rope arrows in this area. There is a secret room to your right as you head down the stairs. Activating the button on the wall opens a trap door above your head. Shot a rope arrow at the beam to access the secret area.

After you've finished in the room, leave and use focus, There are two beams that you will need rope arrows for. One is just outside the window that you want to enter. If you haven't upgraded your bow, you might not be able to hit it until you're closer.

Near the bottom of the stairs that you used to reach this area is another beam. Shot it, and climb up to the platform, and hop across the gap to the brightly lit balcony. Climb over the railing, and turn left. Enter the window, and turn right. Exit through the window, and climb over the short wall. Turn right immediately, and you'll find a locked door on your right. Pick the lock, and head inside.

Cut through the apartment and look out the window. If you haven't already done so, use a rope arrow on the beam. Grab the rope, and head down to the next level. Inside is Little Lucy, and a note about the necklace. Head back to the rope, through the upper apartment, and enter the dark apartment you were in earlier. This time, go through the other window, and turn right.

Take the next right, and walk until you need to hop down to the ground. Climb the wall on the other side of the street, and turn right yet again. Climb the wall, and jump across the gap to the next window. Inside is a woman crying over a dead body. She will ignore you, so just take what you can, grab the item, and leave.

Thief Side Mission: Casing The Cargo

There's a lot of light in the area, and three guards that move around a lot. If you take one out, the others will know right away. There is also a caged dog in the area. Besides a lot of patience, you will also need a rope arrow and two water arrows to get this mission done.

First off, use focus to highlight the beam for the rope arrow. Wait for the guard to approach. After a few seconds, he turns and walks back to where he came from. This is your chance to shot the beam and climb up. Follow the ledge to where you can jump across.

The windows are barred, so use your focus. You'll notice that the wire box is down below the window that a guard likes to stand near. Shot out the flames, to give yourself some darkness. There won't be a lot, but it will help.

Time the guard that walks along the wall. There is a cart between him and the wall that you can use for cover. Hop down, and snip the wires. The other guards in the area can still see you when they pace, so be careful. If you're spotted, do the best that you can against them.

If you are having trouble with all three, you can thin the crowd a little. Instead of going straight for the wires, stay on the ledge where you climbed up the rope. Wait for the guard to pass by, and do an aerial take down. Run back to the roof that you dropped down from to get to the area, and wait for the other two to leave.

Once the wires are cut, you need to climb back up the rope, and get to the windows. Next to the safe on your left is a painting that has two hidden switches. Pulling the switches reveals a button that opens a hidden area in the floor boards. Open the safe, grab everything in the room, and leave.

(Another) Computer Scam

You're relaxing at home, when the phone rings. You answer, and the person at the other end says that he's from Global Tech Support, the company that Microsoft uses for customer service. You're suspicious, so you do a fast internet search, or go straight to Microsoft's site, and find out that they are, in fact, the company that Microsoft uses.

Unfortunately, they are not THE Global Technical Support that is a legitimate company. You were called by hackers from over seas, that are trying to trick you into installing some very bad software onto your system.

How did they get your information? They know your name, your home number, and that you are using Windows. So how did they get your information? You probably gave it to them, directly or indirectly, when you filled out something online. The real question is, what SHOULD you do about it?

If you haven't given them access to your computer, you're probably fine. If you did, there are a few lawsuits going on right now, at least in the U.S. However, these suits never do any real good. As anyone that's ever downloaded a movie or MP3 knows, there's always ways to avoid legalities if you're caught, especially if the scammers are over seas.

According to Microsoft's website, the  only thing that you can do if you gave them access is to reinstall Windows, and all of your programs. Hours of time and effort down the drain. And if you can't find the access keys to something that you purchased a digital copy of, good luck getting another one for free.

Fortunately, this has not happened to me. It has, however, happened to my aunt. Thankfully, she doesn't answer the phone anymore, so she never had the conversation with these hackers. I, however, love to talk to them. I once read an interview with Kieth Giffen, and he had a great idea. Keep salespeople on the line for as long as you can. It keeps them from making money or bothering other people. If you can, try to turn it into a sex call.

The first thing that I like to do is tell the person that I don't use Windows. I tell them I use Linux, Tiger, or just make up a name. This automatically lets you know that they are not on the level with you, since they will insist that you are using Windows. Then I ask them what version I am using. They will go to great lengths not to admit that they don't know.

After this gets boring, I do my best to piss off the person. My best attempt resulted in almost five whole minutes of the guy saying "fuck you" over and over. By the end, he was screaming it so loud that his supervisor finally had to cut him off, mid-fuck. This was one of the times I tried to turn it into a sex chat. I guess it worked, now that I think about it.

I've also tried to make up fake technical babble. I'll tell them I have a Master's or PhD in computers, and start inventing things on the spot. My flange-belled simulator is connected through my interior flummox, which generally reduces 95% or all courier spam, if preceded by systematic spreel." It's amazinghow often they agree, as if you said anything coherent.

The last time they called, DESPITE THE LAWSUIT, I just pretended that I called Microsoft on my cell phone while I was talking to him. The guy was certainly willing to call my bluff. No matter how many times I told him Microsoft was telling me he was lying to me, he kept on talking. I finally told him I was going to put him in a conference call with Microsoft's lawyer, as soon as their contact at the F.C.C. was notified. That finally got him to hang up.

So remember, IF a company is legit, they won't ask for control of your computer. They will NOT ask for your pass word. They will not call you. YOU WOULD CALL THEM. So please, annoy them. It can be a lot of fun listening to these liars swear at you, as long as you're trying to get them to do that. You're also doing your civic duty. Remember, the less people they call, the less chances they have of stealing from an innocent idiot... I mean, computer user.

For more information, c/net has been covering this for at least two years now. That's when the F.C.C. "stopped" the scam. The link is:

A link to Microsoft's site, giving advice on what you should do if you were hacked:

For more information about the creator of Ambush Bug, and co-creator of Rocket Racoon:

Is it weird that I have a picture of him tattooed on my eardrum?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Thief Side Mission: The Carnal Connoisseur

Now that the skull is back with Vittori, you need to help him get back his eight legged cat. After you arrive to your next destination, look around and grab a throwable item, if you need one. Head downstairs, and open the door. Don't go through yet, since there's an alert guard. Wait until he lights his pipe, then swoop behind him. Take him out, and head down the narrow passage. Near the end, there's a climbing wall. Climb up, and grab the poppy. If you're full, use one that you have, if you're low on focus.

Hop down to get the goblet on the barrel, then climb back up. Follow the walk way on your left to the open window. The room is very well lit, and there's someone inside. Wait for your chance, and sneak attack. Inside, there's a ton of stuff, so have fun, you kleptomaniac, you. There are no other people on this floor, nor are there any traps. Explore the other rooms, then head downstairs.

And yes, that is the head of a kimono dragon, or some other large lizard on the wall by the window. I tried to zoom in, but the feature (press RS) didn't work here.

Pick the lock on the door at the bottom of the stairs, if you want the experience. Otherwise. turn around and enter the first door on your left. Opening the door will attract the guards attention. If you go back out the door, there is a switch just past the second (already opened) door on your left. Unfortunately I didn't see it until after I fought the guard. It would have made sneaking easier.  The room doesn't have much in it, but the cabinet does have some food, as well as a slightly less ugly painting than the previous ones.


Head back upstairs, and out the window, You can hear the guards talking. Drop attack the first, but watch out for the second. I encountered him coming out of the wine cellar, which is a very well lit area of the yard. Once he's dealt with, head down the stairs. Examine the painting, and find the two switches. There is a combination switch behind it. Enter 8 1 2, to reveal the door hidden behind the wine racks to your left.

There is a light switch to your left as you enter the vault. For a change of pace, turn the light on, instead of off. Head left to find the cabinet with the cat in it. To your right is a very large, square push switch. This opens up a secret room downstairs.

Once you're done there, simply head back up the stairs, cut through the Collector's Lodge, and leave the area. Just climb up the wall next to the open door (the one you opened to take out the pipe smoking guard), and climb through the window.

The Second Half

The Epilogue 

Thief Side Mission: Happy Medium

You start with a cut scene. Lenny has hidden the skull somewhere in the area. You not only need to find it, but you can't be detected at any point in the mission. If you are detected, you have to start from the very beginning. I am adding a "blooper reel" with this post, so you can see some of my failed attempts at doing this.

First off, you have to decide how to handle the two men walking around, talking to Lenny. If you choose to sneak, you have to sneak past both. If you want to snipe one, you have to take them both out. The survivor WILL find the other body, and the mission is blown. Also, DON'T TAKE OUT LENNY! You need to follow him around.

Swoop to the area where you see the two candles. Grab what's on the table, and even blow out the lights IF you want. Use the crate to get to the top of the wall, and hop over. Open the gate for Lenny. Don't worry about the guards until you let him in.

As Lenny walks towards the guards, hop the crate next to the wall you just climbed over, and head to a release valve. Turn it, and a jet of fire shoots out, trapping the guards where they are. Lenny moves on to his next area, and you need to follow. But remember, Lenny can't see you, and neither can anyone else.

Grab everything that you see as you sneak through the alley way. The coughing man will find you if you attempt to snuff his candle. Instead, sneak around the kiosk that he's leaning against, and grab the treasure on the barrel. Head back around to Lenny, who's trying to gt a freebie from a hooker.

Grab everything that you can (but not the prostitute), and sneak ahead to unlock a gate. Then head back towards Lenny and his friend, and look for another valve. Turn it, and the lady drops out of sight. Literally. Lenny will now go past the gate you opened, and towards a door in a very well lit area. Either stay back, or crotch behind the crate.

Soon, a man answers the door, and lets Lenny in. Fortunately, he isn't smart enough to close the secured door afterwards, so you can just sneak on in.  Lenny is chatting with the man, so you still have some sneaking to do. Feel free to try any path that you want. Personally, I hopped down into the basement (just past the door that Lenny entered), and worked my way up. There is, of course, a lot of goodies around as well.

There is a guard downstairs, so decide to sneak or snipe. He likes to walk around, so I find it simpler to just snipe in these situations. Maybe if I had a chance to play these games full time as a job, I'd sneak more. Maybe.

Head up the stairs, and wait for Lenny to move out of your way. You can then slowly sneak up on the guy standing next to all of that bright light, and take him out. If you need one, there's a few throwable items around. Otherwise, there's a small 15G item in one of the drawers.

Head up the next level of stairs, and sneak up on the guard. Once he's out, you're home free. There are three chests in the area. The one that you have to pick open has the skull. Grab it, and listen to its inane banter. For that matter, it doesn't shut up, even when there's a guard nearby as you head back to The Siren's Rest.

Exit the area to get the mission complete message. Return it to Vittori for your next assignment.

The Mission

Epic Fails


Thief Side Mission: Carnivalesque

This is actually part one of the Vittori carnival missions. All you need to do here is go to The Siren's Rest, and talk to Vittori. You watch (or skip) a cut scene, and leave the building to start your next mission in the series. I only put this clip here to complete the set.

Thief Side Mission: A Lady's Bequest

There are guards paroling the area, so either work fast as you pick the lock, or take them out and be leisurely about it. Loot everything that you see, and head downstairs. Loot everything... I think you get the idea by now... and crotch down to enter a duct.

Inside the hidden room is a barrel with a switch disguised as a cork. Push it to open a secret room inside the secret room. There's some more stuff down there, but it isn't where the quest item is. There is, however, another ugly painting to steal.

Head back up and through the duct, to where there's a small, round grate on the floor. IGNORE THE GRATE. Garrett couldn't fit down there no matter how hard he tried. Instead of trying to mess with the grate, turn around, and look for an old bureau that you can climb. There's a small space between it and the stairs, that has another bureau tucked away in it. Grab Lady Christina's Will, and your mission is over.

Thief Side Mission: Medical Misery

This window is very easy to find. Go up the ladder by Ector's Emporium, and turn right when you see the crates. Hop up the short wall, and open the window. The "doctor" is actually a con man, so don't feel too bad if you decide to snipe, not sneak. However, there are some guards in the next room that won't be too easy to sneak or snipe. If you want everything in the office, you have to take them out. There isn't much in there, but you might want to grab what's there all the same.

Thief Side Mission: Beauty Within

Travel until you are just outside the window. Look up, and use focus if you need to. There is a beam that you need to shoot with a rope arrow. Climb up, hop onto the ledge, and open the window. Once inside, there are two people. One doesn't seem to wake up no matter what you do. The other is already awake, so either sneak, snipe, or fight.

Loot everything, and then go downstairs. Loot everything again, and then examine the painting by the window. Examine it, and pull the switches to move it. The combination to the safe is 8 2 4. Grab what's inside, and the mission is over.

Thief Side Missions

I'm currently working on the side missions for the guide. I am not taking them in any particular order. As of last night, I have nine videos to add at YouTube.

Technically, the videos are being added today. I started the uploads around midnight Central time, and they were still uploading at 5:00 AM, when I got up for work. This "part-time" job is taking full-time energy.

Included in the new batch are some of the Vittoli(?) missions. I returned the talking skull, and have retrieved the eight legged cat. I just need to get back to The Siren's Rest.

I hope to write up the walk through later today, and get the videos published, including some "epic fails" for one of the missions.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Thief Side Mission: Writing Wrongs

In order to enter the shop, you have to squeeze through a few crates. Once inside, there's a lot of stuff to grab. Don't miss the cash register as you loot. Just hop over the counter to get it. Afterwards, examine the books on the shelf. Find the hidden switch, and a trap door opens. Hop back over the counter, and head down.

On the table in the back is a manuscript. This is the item that you need. Grab it, and everything else you see, and leave once you see the mission complete prompt.To leave, just go back upstairs, and squeeze past the crates.

Thief Side Mission: Slick Willy

When you enter Willy's townhouse, you're on the upper level. There's not much to loot here, but there is more downstairs. Before heading down, examine the picture of the naked woman on the wall. Find the hidden switches, and a secrete panel opens. A dead Willy falls from the ceiling, and has an item to grab on him.

Head downstairs, and loot everything. Climb up the ladder inside the secret area, and head up. Open the chest, and grab the watch (as well as the coins). When you see the mission complete prompt, you're done.

Thief Side Mission: Taking A Fence

For this mission, you will need four arrows. Two rope, and one blunt. As always, follow the cursor until it points to a window that you can't climb to. Use focus to reveal a beam that you can shoot a rope arrow at. It may be out of range, so don't shoot yet. Instead, walk down the street to another beam. You will know you're headed the right way if there are two windows on your right, neither of which you can reach yet.

Shoot a rope arrow up to the second beam, and climb up. Open the first window, and enter the apartment. There's loot galore in there, so grab everything that you can. And no, the deer head doesn't come off the wall. Exit through the second window, and look up for a pulley. Shoot it with a blunt arrow, then shoot the beam with the second rope arrow.

Climb up the rope, and jump off at the next level. Walk to the end of the ledge, and jump across the gap to the window that you want to enter. Use focus again, and you will see a push switch on the far wall. Shoot it with your second blunt arrow, and the bars to the window open. You can now loot away. After you have everything, you get the mission complete prompt.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

What Is Peggle 2?

If you've ever played pachinko, or saw plinko on The Price Is Right, you have a rough idea what this game is like. The idea is to bounce around x number of balls, to hit the orange pegs. Once hit, the peg will disappear. There are also a lot of blue pegs, which serve mainly to get in your way, green pegs that give you an extended pointer when you aim, and +purple pegs that give you extra points.

The game has been around since 2007. I won't go into it's history, since that's what Wikipedia is for. This blog is actually an accident. I forgot to turn off my EZ Cap when I finished working on my guide to Thief the other day, and just happened to turn Peggle 2 on to relax for awhile. Since I ended up recording some game play, I figured, why not put the clip up, for those that are curious about the game.

The clip that I posted was played on the Xbox One. The game is also available on other formats, including the Xbox 360. The previous version, Peggle, is available on PlayStation 3, as well as the Xbox 360.